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Login Banner

    #set ($userCompanyId = $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.companyId.toString()) #foreach($b in $banner_image.getSiblings()) #set ($companyIds = '') #set ($companyIds = $b.banner_companies.getData()) #set ($bannerDisplay = false) #set ($prodDisplay = 2) #set ($prodDisplay = $b.banner_product_display.getData()) #set ($prod = '|0|') #set ($prod = '|' + $b.banner_product.getData() + '|' ) #if ($prod == '|0|' || $prod == '||') #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #else #if ($prodDisplay == 2 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #if ($prodDisplay == 1 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #if ($prodDisplay == 0 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && !$request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #end #set ($companyIgnored = true) #set ($companyMatched = false) #if ($bannerDisplay) #foreach($companyId in $companyIds.split(",")) #set ($trimmedId = $companyId.trim()) #if ($trimmedId != '') #set ($companyIgnored = false) #set ($companyMatched = ($companyMatched || ($trimmedId == $userCompanyId))) #end #end #end #if ($bannerDisplay && ($companyIgnored || $companyMatched))
  • #if ($b.banner_link.getData() != "") #end $b.banner_alt_text.getData() #if ($b.banner_link.getData() != "") #end
  • #end #end
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If you have questions about converting to a Personalized Visa® Prepaid Debit Card, please contact Cardmember Services at 888-853-9456.


The Visa® Prepaid Debit Card is issued by U.S. Bank National Association, Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A. Inc. 


Multistage Password Login

Multistage Password Login

Ingrese su número de tarjeta de 16 dígitos para establecer su cuenta en línea

Visor de contenido web

Login Title_10315926