Visor de contenido web

Login text

Visor de contenido web

Login Banners_3402992

    #set ($userCompanyId = $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.companyId.toString()) #foreach($b in $banner_image.getSiblings()) #set ($companyIds = '') #set ($companyIds = $b.banner_companies.getData()) #set ($bannerDisplay = false) #set ($prodDisplay = 2) #set ($prodDisplay = $b.banner_product_display.getData()) #set ($prod = '|0|') #set ($prod = '|' + $b.banner_product.getData() + '|' ) #if ($prod == '|0|' || $prod == '||') #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #else #if ($prodDisplay == 2 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #if ($prodDisplay == 1 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #if ($prodDisplay == 0 && $request.portlet-session.application-attributes.offeredProducts.contains($prod) && !$request.portlet-session.application-attributes.enrolledProducts.contains($prod)) #set ($bannerDisplay = true) #end #end #set ($companyIgnored = true) #set ($companyMatched = false) #if ($bannerDisplay) #foreach($companyId in $companyIds.split(",")) #set ($trimmedId = $companyId.trim()) #if ($trimmedId != '') #set ($companyIgnored = false) #set ($companyMatched = ($companyMatched || ($trimmedId == $userCompanyId))) #end #end #end #if ($bannerDisplay && ($companyIgnored || $companyMatched))
  • #if ($b.banner_link.getData() != "") #end $b.banner_alt_text.getData() #if ($b.banner_link.getData() != "") #end
  • #end #end
Visor de contenido web

Login Title

Multistage Password Login

Multistage Password Login

Ingrese su número de tarjeta de 16 dígitos para establecer su cuenta en línea

Visor de contenido web

Lost-Stolen Copy_3430908


       If your card has been lost or stolen, please 
       click on the link below. Complete and mail
       the form to the address provided.

                             Click Here